Monday 6 December 2010

Mock up of group digipak

This is a mock up of our "digipack"

It is a photobook style digipack inspired by the Kpop industry which does a similar layout for their CD packs. We've decided to do something like this because we feel that the lack of originality in normal digipacks makes the customer (target audience) reluctant to buy the CD, because they could always download the songs online. So by making the CD pack unique with a photobook that consist the photos of the artists and mise en scene from the music video which makes it a great tool for marketing. We are giving our target audience a collectable item instead of just a normal CD pack. This mock up consist of some rough photos that we might use, but this is only to show the layout of the digipack. 

For our final digipack it will contain not only exclusive photos, but lyrics, and other informations about Amy (our artist) which will be decorated graphically to show the concept of our artist.

this is Jasmine Bahrain's mock up of front and back cover of digipack

This is a link to Kelly Drury's mock up of her digipack

This is a link to Yasmin Phillip's mock up of her digipack
(insert link here)

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