Tuesday 14 December 2010

Digipak analysis

This is the digipak for Lily Allen's latest album "Its not me, its you" the special edition version. The font and size of the artists name is different to the title of the album which could mean that here, the artists name needs to be shown more instead of the title because there is not a close up of Lily Allen or anything like that so the audience can recognise it from far away. The back uses the same idea of the big block letters and showing the side of them, showing different colours. This shows that there is a link from the front of the CD to the back of it. On the back there is the normal copyright things, production and record label information with the barcode and her website. The font of the artists name is linked with other promotional platforms that Lily Allen has. For example, her website logo. (see below) It also links with the CD covers of the singles that have been brought out from the album.
Another digipak is Paloma Faith's "Do you want the truth or something beautiful?"

The same font is used for all the writing on the album, however the title of the album is a smaller size, showig the difference between the artists name and the title. The font is linked to the font that is used for the artists name on all of her promotion platforms, just like Lily Allen's. Reference to the albums title is made here as there are things within the image which some people deem as 'beautiful', in this case, it is the rose's and white doves. The colour scheme of the album is very bright, involving shades of blue. This adds to the effect of things of beauty. The writing is put in the corners of the image which gives it the impression that all the attention is on the artist and the image itself, rather than the title of the album or the artists name, giving it a kind of 'show performance' element to it.

Florence and the Machine - Lungs

The front cover has a direct reference to the album’s title as you can see a pair of lungs on top of Florence’s chest. The lungs happen to become an iconic feature accross the rest of the digipak as on the back cover there is a diagram of a pair of lungs that looks like it is being analysed. Each number that is at the end of each branch is referenced to a track listing, suggesting that the songs make up the pair of lungs are are a part of them. The reference of lungs and other organs of the sort are used throughout her promotional platforms like her official website and her myspace. (see below)

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