Friday 17 December 2010

Booklet planning

Here are the photos that I think I would like to have in my booklet which will accompany my digipak. The photos consist of the music video as a whole - the reasoning behind this is that I would like to incooperate as much of the video within the digipak as possible. Not only do I think that it would be a shame to put all the mise en scene of the video to waste when it came to the digipak, but also I think it would create a strong reference point for the audience when the pick up the digipak. The digipak will have a strong link to the music video which would be good when it came to the promotion of the new artist. See below for the pictures. (click picture to enlarge it.)

While I have not fully decided if all these pictures will be used, the key pictures which show more of the music video in relation to introducing the characters in the music video, including the artist and the key props that are featured in it will be shown in the photobooklet.

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