Sunday 5 December 2010

Analysing digipack

Marina and the Diamond's digipack cover. 

This cover is the typical album cover layout, with the two different image of Marina on the front and back cover. The front cover of the digipack is a close up of Marina's face with her long hair flowing on the floor showing a very glamorous image of herself, the use of photoshop making the photograph posterised is interesting as it gives the cover a vintage feel, along with the old style wallpaper as the background which differs to the white background in the back cover but a similar image is also shown. The fonts that they have used for this digipack also gives the vintage feeling, using a "handwritten" style font and the way they have located the title of the album and the name of the artist is very eye catching on the front cover. It accentuates Marina's face structure which adds to the glamorous feeling.  
The genre is indie/pop this can be classified due to the vintage feeling of the album, and also the use of styling of the photograph. 

Florence And The Machine - Lungs

This digipack is vital for its marketing strategy, it's promoting not only the album, it also promotes the song and the music video as using the artistic work it all relates to each other. The mid shot of Florence on the front cover shows clearly the use of iconic image of herself surrounded by the natural/flowery background, and her costume shows the genre of the album which is Indie. The repetion of the image of Lungs not only on the front cover but the back shows the emphasize of the iconic imagery that they used to promote the album. The font that they've used is a san serif font to convey a classic look which is depicted through the way the background colour is black and the fonts are white along with the picture of the lungs and the other informations available. 
A similar imagery is used in the music video "Rabbit Heart"

And this also ties in with the artist's myspace page

and the official website

the recurring image of the lungs and the font used for "Florence + the Machine" is seen all over on their websites, video, and album. This shows the emphasize of using iconic imagery for their marketing strategy. 

Adele 19 digipak

This digipak is simple yet very iconic. This is something similar to Marina and the Diamond's digipak with the close up image of the artist, however Adele's digipak reflects the mood of the album. The soulful image that Adele has affects the mood of the digipak. The genre is less obvious than the two digipacks above, due to the styling of Adele and the image used. The background is plain black with the white san serif font of Adele's name and the written style "19" to show the significance of her writing her own songs. This is seen in the back of the cover and the front, and the photograph of Adele has been edited with the use of excess shadows to highlight the theme of the album. The information that's in the back cover is simply the information of the record company and also the track listing, this is a must for all digipack. 

All of the three above digipak consist of iconic imagery which attracts the right target audience using the fonts, and styling of the photograph. It also relates to their genre and concept of the album. this is something I need to make sure that I will adapt in my digipack for my artist. 

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