Monday 13 December 2010

Mock Up of adverts

Here are two examples of what I thought could make a good advertisement for our artist. With the font, I don't really think I will be using this exact font, but the basis of how curly I would like the font to be is there. I have used stills from the music video here in order to create a direct link from the music video to the advert. My favourite out of the two is the second one because it is such a memorable scene in the music video, not only would it be an obvious link to the video, but the way the lights intergrate with Amy is really pretty and a good use of colour. However, if I wanted to make an even more obvious reference to the music video, I would have to use a still from the tea party because it is such an iconic scene which is carried out thrughout the video. A photoshoot with Amy is going to be taking place on sunday, so once that is done, I will have another opportunity to make some more designs for the advertisement.

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