Monday 13 December 2010

Short-list of fonts, colours, layout and design ideas

When looking for a font for our digipaks, we all had the same kind of idea that we wanted a swirly kind of font in order to keep the almost fairy tale element that the music video had. We used google to search for fonts and we came up with these fonts in our short list.

 As you can see, all of these fonts are very swirly and flows well, making these fonts the ability to look great on our digipaks.We got the idea for the font 'chopin script' from when we tried to put titles on our music video. It worked well as a font, but with the video it didn't really look that good and the music video as a whole looked better without it, hence why it does not feature on the current music video. However, it is on our short list because if it looked good on the video as a font, then it could work on the digipaks.

As a group, we decided that we will decide individually on our colour schemes of our digipaks becuse each of us have very different ideas on what they want to achieve with their digipak. For example, one of us may want pictures of the tea party on the front cover, making their colour scheme very bright and colourful with a lot of pinks but another may want to feature the garden scenes which would make their colour scheme more monotone. In order for each of us to have our own mark on our individual digipaks, we thought it would allow us to be more creative with our work if we didn't share the same colour scheme.
As for layout we think that we are all going to create a 4 panel digipak however it is a distinct possibility that we will be individually creating a photo book to accompany the digipak. This is because we think it would be good to create a whole promotional pack for our artist and we can show off the mise en scene of our music video in its entirety, which no amount of panneled digipak could achieve. We will be using a mixture of stills from the video to tie the music video in with the digipak and photos which we will be taking of Amy so there are different elements to the digipak. This will show that even though there is strong reference to the music video, we are still trying to establish our new artist into the british indie rock scene.

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