Sunday 5 December 2010

Overview of ‘Do’s and Don’t’ of design work

When thinking of what I would have in my digipak and advertisement, I took these do's and don't into account so I have the best chance in making sure that my digipak and advertisement is suited to the genre of the song.
* Use a clear font.
* Use appropriate sizes for both images and fonts.
* Use clear, in focus images so the audience can see at a glance.
* Use photos that are an appropriate shape for the page. You wouldn't want a portrait photo for a landscape page.
* Use a layout that follows the rule of thirds for composition. This has to be taken into account when taking the pictures.
* Use an appropriate type face that follows genre conventions and a particular style.
* Be careful where you place the font. The font should follow genre conventions and be clear from a distance. This will make sure that the audience can tell what type of music is being sold just by looking at the cover.
* Follow the conventions of the three colour rule and use colour that is appropriate for images, font and background.
* Use appropriate industry logos and conventions, properly positioning the barcode, date, copyright, titles and artist names.

* Stretch images
* Use layer styles
* Use unnecessary effects that do not suit the genre
* Use a font just because you like it. What you may like, may not fit in with the target genre and therefore the target audience.
* Feel like you need a different photo for every panel. Be creative in what you are doing.

These points have really helped me in deciding on the design of my digipak and advertisement, more so with my digipak because I think you need to pay much more attention to detail with the digipaks.

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