Friday 14 January 2011

Evaluation Question Three: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Above are just some of the resources that I used in my research, planning and evaluation of my coursework. I used websites such as myspace, facebook, island records dafont and wikipedia to research ideas whereas I used youtube and vimeo to both research during the planning stages, but to also present on the blog these ideas. For example, when explaining about the theme of Alice in Wonderland here, I used youtube to show what part of the film was most inspirational for the music video. The main search engine I used when doing my research was google, as it presented the best matches for what I was looking for and Blogger is also the main website I used as this whole coursework project is presented using this blogging site. All of these websites have played a big part in me being able to bring ideas to the group when it came to the music video anf understand ideas that people have said. I have used other media points such as magazines and other digipaks in order for me to research the world of advertising. This enabled me to create a digipak and advert that would be able to be used if it was to be properly published in the music industry.(such as having the appropriate legal information on the digipak)

For editing the advertisement and digipak, both Photoshop and Quark Express were used. With Quark, I used features such as the resize tool and the text tool in order to get the text on the digipak. Final Cut Pro was used in order to edit the music video. The first image shows the group deciding what footage would be best to put after the part where the artist is in the garden (middle of the song). I learned how to do advanced editing such as the use of markers an the razor tool (which allowed us to edit the video on beat). An example of this is when the footage of Jasmine flashes to the drum beat at the beginning of the music video (see below)

We also learned in a tutorial how to edit our music video using base tracks, however due to the nature of our video we decided not to use this process. The second image shows how I created the layout for the digipak and the third image shows part of my editing process of my photobook.

Livetype was used when we were experimenting with putting subtitles on the music video, but as a group we decided that it didn't suit the video and could take away the audiences attention from the mise en scene and story of the music video which is not our intention.

When filming the music video, there was quite a bit of equipment that was used. We as a group used three 16GB SD cards, 2 lighting kits, a tripod, 2 over the camera lights and a HD JVC semi professional camera.
This year I learned how to do more handling of the camera and how not to use the tripod for everything like I done when making the thriller title sequence last year. I learned how to do panning freehand and create the correct type of lighting for each scene. However, in the video a lot of the light was natural because our charged batteries ran out fairly quickly and there was no plug for a proper power supply.
For the storyboard, the whole group produced two types of storyboard - an animatic storyboard and also a drawn one. Below is the animatic storyboard that we used Final Cut Pro for and two pages of the drawn storyboard.

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