Monday, 17 January 2011

Evaluation Question 4: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

The audience in the cinema overall reacted positively to the music video. As shown in previous blog posts such as this one, both filmed and written comments were published. A recap of just one comment can be seen below: 

This is a comment from Hannah and she mentions how 'awesome' and how well she thinks the music video suits the genre. This comment practically represents most of the comments we received and it was quite rare that we got someone saying something that could be improved in the video. One main thing that also kept coming up (just like in Hannah's comment) was how the mise en scene was good, especially the dry ice. This told me that  by taking some risks with the effects in the music video, it can create something amazing.
A majority of the audience had a positive reaction towards the music video when we were in the cinema and we got as big applause at the end of the showing.
When talking to other people a few suggested improvements that could be made in order to make it that much better. For example, one said that they would have liked to have seen more of Yasmin (who was the Cheshire Cat and the Red Queen together) as there are only about two main shots of her but many more of the Jasmine (The Mad Hatter).
Following this, it was also suggested that there should have been more quicker cuts when the drumming beat takes place in the song like this part of the video (see below):

Another improvement that was suggested for the music video was that in the middle of the music video, we shouldn't have had the blackness before and after the middle footage of Amy in the garden because it could confuse the audience in thinking that the video is at an end. While I accept this as a valid critisism of the video as in the beginning I thought that the audience would think this very thing, I thought it had a better effect if there was darkness at the beginning of the part as well as the end than if it was just at the end like in the rough cut.
I also recieved some feedback from other people who fit into my ideal target audience and who are not experienced in media and the technical aspects. Here is what some had to say:
Kim Francis: "The final video is so so amazing! I love the tranquil part starting at 2.10, everything fits in so nicely and it's real effective!" 
Kasia KaƂosza: "I actually really like this ^^ I think, at the beginning the image could be a little steadier, and the lighting could be a bit more dramatic at times to emphasise the mood more, but that's just me ;) Good stuff! :D" 
Personally, I think that there are two things that I would want to be changed in this video. For one, in the beginning where there is a shot of the pink bread, I would have prefered to have kept the shotglass that was on fire (like the rough cut) as I think the 'waves' of the flames flow with the music more effectively. I would also have liked to show amy leaving the tea party in a different way, or at least used a different shot because it still seems like its a bit rushed and it doesn't follow the beat as much as the other shots do.

Overall, from the audience feedback that I received, I've learned that some things that you want to achieve, don't always turn out the way you want it to and also that no matter how much time is spent in editing or filming something, there is always something that could be added or changed to make it better. If I was to make an improvement due to the feedback, I would maybe add something to the middle scene so it doesn't fade in and fade out into the blackness to avoid any confusion for the audience. Another thing I would do is have more night/garden shots of Amy and more shots of Yasmin in order to balance out the exposure of both the Red Queen and the Mad Hatter.

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