Thursday 6 January 2011

Screenshot of completed Advertisement

Here is a screenshot of my final advertisement which I created in photoshop. I decided to use the same picture as the one on the inside panels of my digipak because I felt that it was important to have some kind of link between the digipak and the advertisement in order to make it more noticable to the target audience. Also, when doing research into advertisements in magazines, it was quite apparent that most if not all the time, a clear distinct link between the digipak and the advert is present which further shows me how important it is that I make this link. I made sure that all the appropriate things were featured on the advert such as the artists website, the albums name and release date as well as reviews from the media. I decided to make my advert for only half an A4 page because it is not always the case that a whole page would be dedicated for promoting just one thing by one artist, usually it is only the case when a tour and album are being promoted or something of that sort. So with saying this, I thought that it would be best if I only created an A5 horizontal advertisement which in the real world, would enable the artist to be promoted in more magazines for the less money.

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