Thursday 13 January 2011

[EVALUATION] How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Websites used for planning, research and evaluation

These sites are the main sites that I used for planning and research. I use blogger obviously for blogging my work from start to finish. This site is important because it allows me to virtually keep my work in place and store it. I use Youtube to research music videos of other artist and give us inspiration for our music video. This site is useful because it gives us unlimited videos for any artists. For uploading our music video we have used Vimeo because the quality of their videos are significantly better than any other video providers. 

Technologies used for filming

Editing Process

We used Final Cut Pro for editing because this is the best editing software for amateur film makers. The effects that we used were slow motion, cross dissolve and also we played around with the colours of the video. 
You can read a full analysis of our editing process here editing process

For creating my ancillary texts, I used mainly Photoshop CS5 Extended 

Plainly because this is the main software I use a lot at home. Also the fact that I can do a lot more than the normal Photoshop Ellements which are available college, for example creating an effective edit of a low quality picture takes a lot of skills to make it decent, and working with Photoshop Ellements does not work well enough to be able to do that. The reason why I decided not to use Quark Express is because I think there was no need to edit it there when I can use photoshop using a template and on photoshop I am fully in control of editing the image and the font. 

Using Photoshop CS5 Extended version I was able to make a high quality GIF animation which would not be available if I used Photoshop Ellements or other photo editing softwares. 

Digital storyboard.

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