Monday 10 January 2011

Evaluation question two: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

As you can tell by my digipak and advert, they both have direct links with each other. My advert (image two) is the same with the inside panels of my digipak, therefore creating a distinct link between them. However, even though the image is of the same thing, the picture had been flipped vertically in order for it to go better and not to have amy covered by the mini photobook which is inserted on the other panel where the CD is not there. Following this, the same font used in the front cover of the digipak is used not only on the advert, but also at the first and last page of the photobook (which can also be seen below).


Also, with all three of my ancillary products, the main reason that direct links were made so clearly, was because most images were taken from the music video. For example, the image that is on my advert and inside panels of the digipak was taken from the middle of the music video (see below) and the picture of the teapot was taken from the music video. However, some pictures were not from the music video, such as the front panel of the digipak. But all pictures were taken when on that day we were filming.

Following this, the digipak shows a variety of bright colours which not only runs through these three products, but also throughout the music video. One thing that had been mentioned when the audience saw the music video was that they liked the great use of colours and I wanted to carry that on through to the other ancillary products. These main colours were the use of pinks, reds and pastel colours.
Personally, I think that my ancillary products could have been better  and I could have done better with the images in order to make it more suitable for this type of genre. For example, I could have used a different picture of the front panel of the digipak because it looks like Amy is blindfolded or something, when really its the contrast that made her black bow in her hair that made it look like this. Also I could have created the digipaks so not all pictures were taken from the music video.
I decided to talk to people who are within my target audience to see if they would buy this product if it was in the shops and these are the responses I got (see below):
Juliana Amaa - 18 years old: "I really like your digipak because of the bright colours and things, I would really want to know more about the artist. I must say that I don't really know if I would be able to link the advertisement and the digipak instantly because the image of the advert links with the inside image in the digipak. But with saying this, I think I would definitely want to buy it, if not, at least find out more about your artist."
Kim Francis - 17 years old: "I really love the contrast of colour in your advert with the bright lights - its very eye catching. I think you grab the audience in a good way with your digipak and the photobook tells me that this album is a story that hasn't fully finished which makes me curious about what the artist has to offer in the album. I'd be the type to buy it from HMV if it was featured there."
Kasia Kalazoa - 16 years old: "Woah, the whole thing just looks so pretty! I love all the colours and settings and the way everything looks! The teapot on the back is amazing, I'd buy the digipak just because it looked so awesome - if it turned out the music wasn't so great I don't think I'd be too bothered. I'd still have something that looks nice in my room! :D"
This shows that there are some flaws in my digipak and advertisement, however, they do not seem to be so severe that it would result in the lack of sales for the artist if it was to be put on to the market.

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