Thursday 6 January 2011

Preparing for the digipak

Before I started editing my images, I finalised my decision of making only a 2 panel digipak and I created a little plan of what images I was going to be using and why I would use them. For example, for the front of digipak, I decided that it would feature a image of Amy at the table on her own. This would allow me to introduce the artist on the album and therefore to the target market in question. For the back of the digipak, the teapot will be featured with the writing going where the smoke of the dry ice is.
When putting all the tracklistings on the back of the digipak, I also made note that I had to put all the legal requirements on there such as the record labels logo and mention copyright as well as the artists website so the digipak has the key features that all digipaks on the market have. 
The inside panels of the digipak, I chose the picture of Amy in the garden which is a screen cap from the music video. I thought this would be a perfect image to use because it is an iconic scene in the music video which is featured right in the middle of the song. I thought it would be most effective if I carried the image along both panels and it would also create further references to both aspects of the music video which features both a kind of magical and mysterious tea party along with night shots in the garden. I also decided that I wouldn't feature any thank you's in the end because I don't think that an artist like this one would have a big thank you list as the artists is only just emerging on the indie music scene. Also there are some 'indie' digipaks which don't feature thank you's so it isn't just a personal opinion that led me to this decision.
Here are the original images before they were edited that I decided to use for my digipak:
 Inside panels:
Using Photoshop, I edited these pictures to make them more defined and to carry a dark, mysterious, yet alomost magical theme. Here are some screen shots of my editing process (click to enlarge):

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