Thursday 6 January 2011

Screenshots of completed Photobook

Here are the screenshots of my photobook which is meant to be placed on the inside panel next to where the CD is meant to be placed. For the front cover of the photobook is a continuation of what the picture in the inside panel is in order to show some kind of continuation of the digipak. In the photobook, there are pictures from the music video which shows further links between the music video and the digipak. It also further introduces the three characters including the artist along with key scenes in the video. Examples of this is the bread that says "EAT ME" and the images of the tea party along with an image of Amy when she wakes up in bed.
I decided to add text using the same font as I did on the front panel to make the photobook into a kind of story, which makes links with the magical, fairy tale like thing which is what the music video shows. I thought it would be good to add a 'To be continued...' part at the end which shows that this is potentially not the end to the story, allowing the artist if they so wished to carry on this kind of persona and create another album in the furute to carry on from their debut album.

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