Saturday 13 November 2010

The Editing Process

Now all the filming has been done, we have been editing the music video together using Final Cut Pro and we have been doing this for the past few weeks due to our filming being successful first time round. It has been quite hard to get everything in sync with the music and keep things to the beat. Also we have found it hard to find the right bits of footage to put in the music video because we filmed so much, we had so much to choose from. Below are some screen caps of how our editing has been going along.

We have been editing using the Mac's with double screens which has been very helpful in making the whole process easier to do (due to more screen space). See the two images above for how each screen was layed out.

Here we were using the slow motion and cross dissolve tool to merge the two bits of footage (Amy in the garden and the lights on the table).

As it stands, we have about 40 seconds or less to do of the music video and we intend on doing this before the rough cut deadline which is the end of next week. Then after taking feedback from people, we will be making final tweaks and also adding the text to the parts where each character is talking using LiveType.

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