Monday 4 October 2010

Who was Vladimir Propp and what where his ideas?

Vladimir Propp, born April 17, 1895, was a Russian and Soviet scholar who analyzed the basic plot components of Russian folk tales to show how simple the ideas and storys actually were. 
his theorys state that whatever happened in a story it was predictable. his theorys also state that nothing more could ever happen in a russian folk tale.
1st Sphere: Introduction
1. Absentation: Someone goes missing
2. Interdiction: Hero is warned
3. Violation of interdiction
4. Reconnaissance: Villain seeks something
5. Delivery: The villain gains information
6. Trickery: Villain attempts to deceive victim
7. Complicity: Unwitting helping of the enemy

2nd Sphere: The Body of the Story
8. Villainy and lack: The need is identified
9. Mediation: Hero discovers the lack
10. Counteraction: Hero chooses positive action
11. Departure: Hero leaves on mission

3rd Sphere: The Donor Sequence
12. Testing: Hero is challenged to prove heroic qualities
13. Reaction: Hero responds to test
14. Acquisition: Hero gains magical item
15. Guidance: Hero reaches destination
16. Struggle: Hero and villain do battle
17. Branding: Hero is branded
18. Victory: Villain is defeated
19. Resolution: Initial misfortune or lack is resolved

4th Sphere: The Hero’s Return
20. Return: Hero sets out for home
21. Pursuit: Hero is chased
22. Rescue: Pursuit ends
23. Arrival: Hero arrives unrecognized
24. Claim: False hero makes unfounded claims
25. Task: Difficult task proposed to the hero
26. Solution: Task is resolved
27. Recognition: Hero is recognized
28. Exposure: False hero is exposed
29. Transfiguration: Hero is given a new appearance
30. Punishment: Villain is punished
31. Wedding: Hero marries and ascends the throne

many people have studied this thoery and have been able to make direct connections to global folk tales and storys however the theory is not always aplicable to asian or african storys, people have also said that it doesnt always aply to slavic folk tales.

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