Sunday 10 October 2010

production schedule

 12.00- arive at house , setting will be done on the previouse day, make up and hair, aprox 1hour
1.00 start shooting all wood scenes, lying in the woods, running through the woods walking through the woods, all with lyrics, these will be our lyric shots that we will cut back to throughout the video, shoot through 4 times all different angles, run through the song,
2.00- work with the dry ice, set up the pond, all shots have to be well planned and quick, as we do not have time for errors because the ice will not last for ages
3.00- the mad hatters tea party, including close ups of all the ciggaretts the mixing of the drinks the tea,
3.30- all of the worded scenes will be shot , all the scripts will be read through thorougly
break for dinner
7.20- the darker shots will be filmed to show the sudden switch from day to night y

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