Monday 18 October 2010

Sunday's Filming

Sunday 17th October was our main day of filming where we would be filming from about 1PM onwards to about 8PM in order to get our night shots. Here are some pictures that were taken throughout the day before, during and after our filming.

Yasmin had prepared the cupcakes the day before and this was the end result:

Here are pictures of what the table looked like when we were setting it up for the tea party scenes. Candles, Fairy lights and bits from Yasmin's garden were brought on to the table in order for it to have an outdoors feel to it.

This is what the table looked like as a whole once all the food was on there. We had lots of cakes which were beautifully decorated by Yasmin, pink bread and green butter, as well as other bits such as mise en scene. (glasses for drinks etc)

Yasmin had created green butter using ordinary butter and green food colouring. This would be used for the scene when Yasmin butters the green bread for Alice. (see both the butter and pink bread below)

Here are shots of the table once it was all done. (includes the dry ice)

When make up was being done, pictures were taken of Jasmine, Yasmin and Amy.

Here the final finishing touches to the set before we started filming the tea party scenes.

Here are close ups of the table before we started filming.

Here is Amy, the girl who is playing Alice in our video.

Jasmine as the mad hatter.

Yasmin in her costume and make up.

Kelly refusing to have her picture taken.

Jasmine posing as the mad hatter.

The start if the day did not go to the way we had planned because our main person who was going to be Alice did not turn up due to unforeseen circumstances. So we had to find another person who was free who could play Alice. Yasmin's friend Amy was able to help us out which solved our major problem. However, this set our filming schedule back a little bit. Once Amy and Jasmine had arrived, make up was done and we promptly began filming. Overall, the filming went very well and we didn't have any major problems with it. All in all, the day was really successful.

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