Monday 4 October 2010

green faries and cupcakes

for the music video in preparation i thought that i would try out making some props.
one of the props is the cupcakes and because our theme is going to be based on alice and wonderland one of the main eliment is the eat me cakes and biscuets, for a little difference i decided to ice some home make cakes myself, not only was it fun it was bloody messy.
using green and grey food colouring i mixed a batches of seperate butter icing, after the mixture was done i had to put both coloured icings into a pipeing bag and pipe the cupcakes, i decided a swirl would do. after that i used tiny flowers and different colourd edible sprinkle dust and colourfull balls to decorate them.heres a few pictures of my works of art haha..

 i got hungry and eat that one.........

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