Monday 4 October 2010

Andrew Goodwins theory

Andrew goodwin is a media proffessor who created a theory to pick apart many music videos and there narritiive, his thoery also distingueshes key features of many music videos.
he states that these days many music videos do not have a traditional narritive and that the singer is use as a narrator and also as a charicter in the video, you can tell this because most of the time the artist is trying to involve its audiance by looking directly into the camera.

This is an piece of writing i found to desribe the theory....
- A relationship between the music and the visuals, with the visuals illustrating, amplifying or contradicting the music.
- Genre-related style and iconography present.
- Multiple close-ups of the main artist or vocalist.
- Voyeurism often plays a major part, especially in relation to females.
- Intertextual references to other media texts may be present.

repitition is usually used in most modern music videos with the video having a scene repeted several times just like a song would repeate a chorus and have a similar sounding verse.

the visulisation is very important to the song because it acts as advertisement, if the video is bad many people will not want to watch it and the "mtv" culture of today will loose intrest.
many people also purchase music videos off of itunes and watch them on youtube repetitivly.

there are three main types of relations between music video and song
1.Illustration : where the video tells the story of the lyrics

this music video shows a basic narritive where there lyrics match up with the song, a tale of a girl and a boy in a romeo and juliette style setting is directly what the video is showing, the only twist on the video is that it is set in a different century but that matches up to the part in the lyrics about romeo and juliette.

Amplification: When the video introduces new meanings that do not contradict with the lyrics but add layers of meaning.

this music video tells more of a story that is less linked with the video but it does show another side to what the lyrics can mean, because there is so many different interpritations this story is about heartache and the horror and scare of war,

Disjuncture: This is where the is little connection between the lyric and video or where the video contradicts the lyrics.

this video from lady gaga compleetly differes from the lyrics and the direct meaning of the song, if you listen to the lyrics the song is all about how annoying it is to have someone who knows your free and doesnt want to do anything constantly call and bug you, however the video shows gaga and beonce go on a killing spree around america.

goodwin also states how women are presented in music videos such as in hip hop or r&b they are more prize possesions and objects and even the marketing of femaile artists are presented this way to make men want they and to make women want to be them.

after looking at this i found the femail representation quite interesting and i found one example of a woment that breakes nearly all rules and steriotypes in the book.

beth ditto was the lead singer in the band the gossip, she sparked contreverys in the music industry and with the public when her poster campaign was released and it revealed that she did not shave her armpits nor did she ware deoderant, she is now the face of evans and despite peoples reactions she had had a very sucsessful career

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