Monday 4 October 2010

green faries

so my next experiment was the flaming absynth, i thought that it would been the perfect drink to use in our video because it is accosiated with people helusinating if you drink to much of it, and since this is a dream sequence it made perfect sence.
i wanted to set it alight but because i didnt have time to get some i had to use vodka as an alternitive with some green food colouring.
 i really liked the way the green flowed into the clear vodka so i did a few test shots on just a plain camera to see what it might look like.
however the fire didnt quite go to first i didnt quite know why it didnt work but then i remembered that i had previously drank some of the vodka and topped it up with water to discuize the amount taken and thats why it wouldnt set on fire. next time however i might try it with something with more alcohole volume.
heres the video of me epicly failing with some green food die and a lighter.

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