Monday 18 October 2010

Test shots for lighting and mise-en-scene

We tested how the dry ice was going to turn out on camera and it was important that we done this because it is what would make our video have a mystical, floaty feel to it.

For these two photo's, we used a mixture of natural lighting the lighting kits. the lighting kits battery power was nearly gone so the natural light was also being used here.

Here we were using the over the camera light which created this effect when we were filming. 

We used the lighting kit as well as the over the camera light when filming Jasmine outside, if we think it is too bright, we will tone the light down when editing the footage.

We decided to have the lighting as a spotlight which focuses on Amy. We realised that we couldn't dim the light because that feature was not in out lighting kit, so if we think that it is too bright, then we will change the lighting during the editing stages.

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