Monday 27 September 2010

lip sync tutorial reflection

when first given the lip sync task, i was far from enthusiastic about it.
i think because i was so unenthusiastic it did effect the final outcome, none of our group enjoyed the filming because with the time given there wasnt much room for creative imput an much of it was rushed.
however, even though i didnt enjoy the task i did learn alot about the importance of preparation.
for the task we were asked to film a verse and a chorus from the song "hes the greatest dancer" by sister sledge.
after setting up the cd player and the song the cd player stopped working so we decided to use a version of the song from youtube.
after trying out many different shots we decided the best and simplest option to show our skills was to just film the verse and chorus 4 or 5 ways through from different angles whilst jasmine sat on a chair and sang through the words.
after filming we went to go do the editing on final cut pro, after imprting all of the footage we learnt how to use the marker tool, so i then marked on the audio the same begining of the same word of every peice of footage and then line them all up, we had some issues with the sound because we the youtube videa we used was different to the track that we had imported on the computer, so we had to find the youtube video and then we converted it into and mp3 file and then import it onto final cut pro.
after all files were improted marked then lined up i then used the razor tool to cut the film to the beat witch i earlyer marked. after cutting to the beat i deleted sections of the film and then our final video was compleeted.
it was very different to the opning of the thriller film because with the thriller we did alott of planning and we knew exactly what shots were going where , but with the lip sync we had to match exactly the mouth movements, i didnt find the diting harder i just found it alott different.

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