Saturday 25 September 2010

I think paloma faiths video for upside down is a perfect example of a music video without any real link to its lyrics , however it does have a strong link to paloma herslef, paloma faith is known for being abit a tad obscure. the big balloons and the bright colours make a statement about her sexy but strange taste in fashion and style. the big umbrellas are also something that she is known for walking around with them on red carpets.

this is another example of an indie music video from florance and the machine for her video the dog days are over.

i would interprate the song as a song about rejoyce and celebration about coming out of a bad situation. the song was recently used as the sound track for the film slum dog millionare in witch a boy from the slums wins money and moves from the slums. the film is set in india and the music video had elements of that with the girls that are painted blue and the powders that go off during the different scenes. although now a very complicated video it is visually stunning with effects such as slow motion make the exploading powder looks really work.
it focuses on florence welch as a main focus point and the video slowly bulds up to a big celebrational dancing and singing looking scene at the end.
the hair and make up with very bold and reflects florences very vibrant and unique impact on the music industrie at the moment. with her being such a strong and powerfull artist with a great voice she doesnt need the smoke and mirrors that some artist hide behind.

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