Wednesday 22 September 2010

British music video inspirations

I will be looking at 3 different music videos which are in the same genre as the song that I will be thinking of creating for my music video.

The following videos will be British Artists because I think that British music has one of the best music videos for Indie music. Also It is part of the syllabus to do a British artist. I will be exploring the 4 concepts including genre, narrative, representation and media language briefly for each one. also stating which of Goodwin's theory of illustration, amplification and disjuncture.

Foals "Balloons"

This video has no story line for its narrative. It is very abstract and edgy which ties in with the genre of the music video which is Indie. The MV is set in a quirky British house, and the band members wears clothes that are often seen as the typical Indie look which is the quirky hair cut and the vintage looking shirt and smart shoes. This is a very typical British Indie band so the representation of the artists is something that we are accustomed to with their Indie look. The editing in this video is choppy at the beat and it repeats an action a couple of times which gives an edgy feeling. The lighting looks as if it is natural because of the setting.
This is an example of Disjuncture because there is little connection between the lyrics of the song and the video.

Florence and The Machine "Rabbit Heart (Raise it up)"

The genre is very clearly indie-pop as the video gives a feeling of airiness and natural vintage feeling which is very often used in an Indie-Pop music video. The costume itself where everyone is dressed up in a sort of fairy tale or it seems like a renaissance art work gives a very original feel to the video. It's a breath of fresh air from the usual pop video which consist of women acts as something men looks upon. The editing of this video is continuous and it flows as Florence narrates the song. The use of a vintage looking lens or maybe they added the effect creates a very distinct look to the video. It suits the song and the image that Florence has. Also the use of natural lighting works as well to convey the whole fairy tale feel of the video.
I think that this is an Amplification video, as the lyrics "raise it up" and the actions in the video adds the layer of meaning to the song.

Marina and The Diamond "Hollywood"

This video is similar to Florence and The Machine's video in terms of genre because It has a very distinct Indie-pop feel to it. As it is edgy and almost pokes fun at the lyrics. The costume that Marina wears is a collection of stereotypical American costumes which also ties in with the lyrics as she narrates the video and also participate as the main character of the video. There is no story line but it does narrate the lyrics of the song. The editing in this video is also continuous similar to Florence and The Machine, as the song goes on the video seems to flow with the beat, but different to Foals' video because of the different beat in the song. There is lots of close ups of Marina which shows how glamourised she is and that ties in with the tittle "Hollywood"
I think this video is another example of Disjuncture except this video contradicts the lyrics as Marina makes fun of American people.

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