Friday 26 November 2010

analysis sequence from the rough cut

this was a scene where our main character Alice did a sequence of putting in normal bread into a toaster but it comes out with this pink bread with 'EAT ME' written on it. 
There was a lot of complaints about this scene in particular because we focus on every single detail of mise en scene in our Music video. So the Warburton bag was a complete off point because it just puts off the idea of mystical and dreamy scene. However I think that the original idea was to contrast the reality and fantasy, and so we thought the Warburton bread bag represents the reality and when she puts it in the toaster, our main character Alice is exposed to the fantasy of the pink bread. But we've decided to take it out because we think that it spoils the whole concept of our video and therefore this was a scene that was not needed and had to be cut.

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