Friday 26 November 2010

Analysis of a sequence from the rough cut

Here is a part at the beginning when 'Alice' goes down into the kitchen to make breakfast by putting in ordinary bread in a toaster and it comes out as pink bread saying "EAT ME". In the editing process for this, we changeed the lighting of the footage to make is more dull and used the cross dissolve effect on Final Cut Pro to create the way it looks in the video above. The idea of the toast magically changing was good, however, the footage at the start where Alice takes the bread out did not work. The bread packet was so close and in focus to the camera, it distracted the viewer from what was really happening, meaning that it was a very poor use of mise en scene. It wasn't just the teachers who said this, but also most people who we got feedback from (when it came to the rough cut - referring to the blog posts below). By taking all this into account, we as a group felt that we had to get rid of it and it is gone for the better. The video works better witthout it and when you see the final edit of the video, the footage that we have replaced it with works so much better.

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