Thursday 18 November 2010

Rough Cut

There are a few things that need to be tweaked to this video. 
For example:
1) The scene with the toaster needs to be tweaked because the bread bag is right in the middle of the shot and distracts the viewer, therefore making it a poor use of Mise en Scene.
2) The shots where the candles are shown and the mad hatter eats the pink bread needs to be extended so it is shown more.
3) The scene at the end where Amy runs out of the room needs to be reviewed as it doesn't look that great as it is.

After this, we will review the video as a whole before we put the titles in. Also we need to make the music fade at the end so it doesn't end abruptly like it does here in the rough cut.

Here is a better quality version of the rough cut:

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